Southeastern Freight Lines Cargo Claims API Specification

This API is intended only for authorized parties.

The SEFL Cargo Claims Submission API allows users to submit Cargo Claims using HTTP requests via rest API methods. The API has both a production and a testing environment. The testing environment is known as the sandbox and is a replica of production to be used for testing.

Environment URL Base Path
  1. Submitter Account Number - By requesting an account with SEFL, the user will receive a submitter account number. This account number is a unique identifier assigned to the user's shipping account and will be provided to the user upon registration.
  2. OAuth 2.0 Access Token - By submitting a request to the API outlined below, the user will have a temporary authorization token that is required to submit a claim.
OAuth 2.0 Access Token

This token is required to file a claim. It provides temporary authorization, meaning the user will need to resubmit the following request when their session expires. The token is only valid within the environment that it was requested. In order to retrieve this token, submit a GET request to the endpoint at /services/oauth/token and grab the value of the access_token field from the JSON response.

Environment Query Parameter Value
Sandbox grant_type client_credentials
client_id 3MVG9wLr_6EJB3zCYw7SwN0JQ4rmxXtRBz7gTWgwZeCqikpB3_75Nmyp3HTcK1mlRxWHXB0YSIYiBitOiZ7xM
client_secret A82AB446D3B53EA71198FD8DCA114BD822A034F6FA8DBFD3B5F001CDDF3269D7
Production grant_type client_credentials
client_id 3MVG9mclR62wycM3dC6Fp2axVpda06u3PUs4ay1ATq.9B4S8Y82i4cVwPyM0MzNL2lCR60pdYMvrKKy02u.UN
client_secret 83A4475D46E6C42AC582DF77D3813C233C8E753E3F73BBCE96C3D2E1FB9431A6
Example Sandbox Request

Example Sandbox Successful Response

    "access_token": "00DE2000002j4jT!AQEAQDW4OcqpV2d5PRIZ_elf2bOms93d6DI3zSbU8m.L4tL5vId_3DE1O7y.Ki18kO7cpRlFLblGxXr7cbRYzl0XrW5EGZPb",
    "signature": "D2QGayw4ZBw00a04oMaVMG7Ngd4/H/95TOJCW4sTKPQ=",
    "instance_url": "",
    "id": "",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "issued_at": "1719416042900"
File a Claim

In order to file a new Cargo Claim to SEFL Riskonnect, the user must submit a POST request to the endpoint at /services/apexrest/CargoClaimService. In this request the user will need to send an authorization header with their access token. Specific JSON fields are also required to be passed through the body of the request. More details on this can be seen at the bottom of the page here.

Example Sandbox Request
Type Value
Authorization Header Authorization: Bearer 00DE2000002j4jT!AQEAQDW4OcqpV2d5PRIZ_elf2bOms93d6DI3zSbU8m.L4tL5vId_3DE1O7y.Ki18kO7cpRlFLblGxXr7cbRYzl0XrW5EGZPb
Example Sandbox Request Body

    "Pro_Number": "123456789",
    "Claim_Reason": "Visible Damage",
    "Submitter_Account_Number": "123456",
    "Claimant_Account_Number": "987654",
    "Claimants_Claim_Reference_Number": "789012",
    "Claimant_Name": "John Doe",
    "Claimant_Company_Name": "Example Company",
    "Claimant_Email": "",
    "Primary_Phone": "1234567890",
    "Other_Phone": "5678901234",
    "Fax": "9876543210",
    "Legal_Notice": "True",
    "Check_Mailing_Address_Line_1": "123 Main St",
    "Check_Mailing_Address_Line_2": "Apt 4B",
    "Check_Mailing_Address_Line_3": "",
    "Check_Mailing_City": "Cityville",
    "Check_Mailing_State": "CA",
    "Check_Mailing_Zip": "12345",
    "Check_Remittance_Address_YN": "Yes",
    "Salvage_Location": "Shipper",
    "Salvage_Company": "Salvage Co",
    "Salvage_Contact": "Jane Smith",
    "Salvage_Email": "",
    "Salvage_Phone": "7890123456",
    "Salvage_Address_Line_1": "456 Elm St",
    "Salvage_Address_Line_2": "",
    "Salvage_City": "Townsville",
    "Salvage_State": "NY",
    "Salvage_Zip": "54321",
    "Cargo_Claim_Details__r": [
        "Id": "001xxx",
        "Cargo_Claim": "Claim 1",
        "Claimed_Amount": 500,
        "Explanation_Of_Damage": "Product A was crushed",
        "Shortage_Damage": "Visible Damage",
        "Weight": 20,
        "Weightold": "18"
        "Id": "002xxx",
        "Cargo_Claim": "Claim 2",
        "Claimed_Amount": 300,
        "Explanation_Of_Damage": "Product B was missing",
        "Shortage_Damage": "Visible Damage",
        "Weight": 15,
        "Weightold": "15"
Example Sandbox Successful Response

If successful, you will receive the Cargo Claim Number, your reference number, and a success message.

    "status": "succeeded",
    "message": "Your Cargo Claim has successfully been submitted.",
    "claimantReferenceNumber": "123456",
    "cargoClaimNumber": "23-25370",
Error Handling

If an error occurs, the API will return an error response with a description. Below are some possible error descriptions.

Rate Limit

The SEFL Cargo Claim Submission API takes only one cargo claim at a time.

Best Practices
Data Dictionary

All required fields are in red.

JSON Field Format Values Example Comments
Pro_Number Number Number Only No symbols 246813579 Required Pro Number
Claim_Reason Picklist Visible Damage / Concealed Damage / Shortage Visible Damage Reason for the claim
Submitter_Account_Number Number Number Only No symbols 123456 API Account Validation
Claimant_Account_Number Number Number Only No symbols 50021346 Claimant Account Number
Claimants_Claim_Reference_Number Number Number Only No symbols 789021 Claimant Reference Number
Claimant_Name Text 50 Character Limit John Doe Claimant Name
Claimant_Company_Name Text 50 Character Limit Example Company Company Name
Claimant_Email Email Email Format Claimant Email
Primary Phone Number Number Only No symbols 1234567890 Additional Phone option
Other_Phone Number Number Only No symbols 1234567890 Additional Phone option
Fax Number Number Only No symbols 1235556546 Fax Number
Legal_Notice Checkbox True / False TRUE Notice
Check_Mailing_Address_Line_1 Text 255 Character Limit 123 Main St Check Mailing Address
Check_Mailing_Address_Line_2 Text 255 Character Limit Apt 4B Check Mailing Address
Check_Mailing_Address_Line_3 Text 255 Character Limit Check Mailing Address
Check_Mailing_City Text 50 Character Limit Cityville Check Mailing Address
Check_Mailing_State Picklist US State Codes CA Check Mailing Address
Check_Mailing_Zip Number Number Only No symbols 12345 Check Mailing Address
Check_Remittance_Address_YN Picklist Yes / No Yes Defines if the claimants address is the check remittance address
Salvage_Company Text 200 Character Limit Salvage Co Salvage Address
Salvage_Contact Text 50 Character Limit Jane Smith Salvage Contact
Salvage_Email Email Email Format Salvage Email
Salvage_Location Picklist Shipper / Consignee / Other Shipper salvage Location
Salvage_Address_Line_1 Text 255 Character Limit 456 Elm St Salvage Address
Salvage_Address_Line_2 Text 255 Character Limit Salvage Address
Salvage_City Text 50 Character Limit Townsville Salvage Address
Salvage_Phone Phone Number Only No symbols 1234567890 Salvage Phone
Salvage_State Picklist US State Codes NY Salvage Address
Salvage_Zip Number Digit Only 123456 Salvage Address
Cargo_Claim_Details 1 Detail is required
Claimed_Amount Number Digit Only 500 amount for detail
Explanation_Of_Damage Text Area 255 Limit Product A was Crushed explanation of damage
Shortage_Damage Picklist Visible Damage / Concealed Damage / Shortage Visible Damage Reason
Weight Number Digit Only 20 Item Weight
Weightold Number Digit Only 20 Item Weight