Web Connect Services

These services allows our customers to pull shipment information directly from our web site into their company's web page or information system.

Unless denoted as a Web Service, these services are simple HTTPS requests to our web server in which you can POST or GET data to our web server and we will supply the response in the requested format. We provide a sample link on how to use the service as an HTTPS GET request. The Web Services conform to the WEB SOA Architecture in relation to Web Service technology. You should be able to use whatever platform or programming language of your choice.
If you have any questions, please send us a message through our Contact Us page. *denotes that MySEFL Login and Password is required.
Tracing/Tracking Web API

  • Type
    Use "Type=PN" for Pro Number
    Use "Type=IN" for Interline Pro Number
    Use "Type=BL" for Bill of Lading Number
    Use "Type=PO" for Purchase Order Number
  • Zip Code
    Use "&ZipCode=" for Zip Code
    This is required for BL and PO Types.
    If required, you must include either the shipper's or the consignee's 5-digit zip code.
    If it is not required, you can use zeros or leave this parameter off.
    Valid Canadian zip codes are in the format ANANAN (where A is Alphanumeric, N is Numeric).
  • Reference Number(s)
    You may enter up to 10 Reference Numbers (RefNum1 thru RefNum10).
    Example: "&RefNum1=&RefNum2=&RefNum3=&RefNum4=&RefNum5=&RefNum6=&RefNum7=&RefNum8=&RefNum9=&RefNum10="
    Pro numbers are either 7 or 9 digits in length.
    Omit the 3 letter terminal code, spaces, leading zeros, and the dash when entering pro numbers.
  • Tracing Status Descriptions
    The following status codes and descriptions are provided within the Tracing/Tracking responses.
    CDYClosed for city delivery
    CFCClosed for city
    CFDClosed for dispatch
    DFUDropped for unloading
    DOCOn dock
    DPTDelivery print trailer
    ENSElectronic notification of shipment
    HAPHold for appointment
    LODLoaded on trailer
    OSDOver, short, or damaged
    SPUScheduled for pickup

Tracing Push Notifications
The Tracing Push Notifications Service is a REST Web Service that allows our customers to submit a one-time request to be notified every time a shipment's status changes. Southeastern Freight Lines will send a new shipment status update to the customer using a REST service callback (which must be implemented and supported by the customer).

To receive more information about this service, please send us a message through our Contact Us page. Please provide a valid account number, reference number (pro, bill of lading, purchase order), or MySEFL username with your request.

Pickup Inquiry
You may enter a single pickup request number via the requestNumber parameter.
output=XML returns an XML document, otherwise redirected to a web page.
  • Pickup Inquiry Status Descriptions - The following status codes and descriptions are provided within the Pickup Inquiry responses.

    Pickup CompletedThe pickup was completed but no status could be retrieved.
    RescheduledThe shipment has been rescheduled
    Pickup CancelledRequested pickup has been cancelled. No additional information available.
    Forwarded to partnerSoutheastern has handed the pickup off to the partner listed.
    Awaiting PickupShipment has not been picked up matching the request.
    No freightPickup was attempted, but there was no freight available.
    Incorrect Close TimePickup was attempted before close time, but the shipper was closed.
    Late PU RequestPickup requested after 3PM and will be rescheduled.
    Liftgate RequiredLiftgate was not specified, but required for pickup and will be rescheduled.
    Late Pickup LP CodedPickup performed after our normal cutoff and will not be worked until tomorrow.
    Missed PU - DispatcherDispatcher unable to schedule pickup and will reschedule.
    Missed PU - CapacityOut of capacity on route and unable to cover. Will reschedule.
    Missed PU - DriverDriver missed the pickup and will reschedule.
    Shipment Not ReadyShipment was not ready for pickup and not rescheduled.
    Shipper RecheduledShipment not ready and shipper rescheduled.
    Shipper Not InformedShipper knows nothing about the pickup request.
    Dock DeliveryShipment delivered to our dock by the shipper.
    Duplicate Pickup RequestMultiple pickup requests for this shipper.
    Pickup MadeA pickup was made at the shipper but could not be matched to the pickup request provided.
    Cancelled By CustomerCustomer cancelled the pickup request.
    Cancelled By DispatcherDispatcher cancelled the pickup request.

Pickup Web Services
Click here for instructions on submitting a pickup request via web service.

Claims Status Inquiry
RefType should be "P" for Pro Number, or "C" for claim number
If RefType is "P", then the pro number should be a 7 or 9 digit number

Document Retrieval Services
Click here for instructions on retrieving documents via web service.

Routing Guide
Transit times returned are for MOST points, exceptions may apply. Origin and Destination zip codes entered should be full 5 digit zip codes, shipDate must be in mm/dd/yyyy format.

In some cases, zip codes are linked to multiple points, in which case you will be taken to a page to select a specific point. To avoid this scenario, you can append query parameters specifying the point information.

To get the results in XML format, simply append &output=XML to the query string.

Rate Quotes
Click here for information on obtaining MySEFL Rate Quotes in XML format

Click here for information on the RESTful web service API for MySEFL Rate Quotes.

Get Pro API
The Get Pro API allows coded customers to retrieve the next available pro number. There is a daily limit of 200 pros per MySEFL login.

This service is exposed as a RESTful Web Service. The WADL can be accessed here.

To retrieve a preassigned pro, an HTTP GET request should be sent to https://www.sefl.com/seflWebsite/resources/generatePro/PreAssigned

Your MySefl username and password are required for each request. Credentials should be sent using Basic HTTP Authorization via the Authorization HTTP header.

Responses can be requested in either XML or JSON format. You can view example responses here.

Standard HTTP status codes are used for error responses.

Technology Update Notifications
Technology Update Notifications allow customers to sign up to be notified via email when certain features are changed or updated. You can also access documents to view a historical listing of changes and updates.

Click here to sign up or view documents.

Bill of Lading API
The Bill of Lading API is written as a REST Web Service. It allows customers to send Southeastern Freight Lines information to supplement the paper Bill of Lading. It is sent to us by the shipper or the party that controls the freight. The primary benefits of the Bill of Lading API is that it allows the shippers to automatically integrate their systems and data, thereby, reducing manual data entry and resulting errors. The pro number needs to be sent to us and must also be printed on the paper Bill of Lading.

To receive more information about this service, please send us a message through our Contact Us page. Please provide a valid account number, reference number (pro, bill of lading, purchase order), or MySEFL username with your request.